Boat dealers plan more focus on website in 2017 – Chat should be a part of that.
Boating Industry Magazine this month published their marketing survey, and using their website more topped the list for 2017. In fact, digital categories filled nine of the top 10 spots, with events in sixth place as the only exception. Nearly a third of dealers say that their website is the most successful marketing tool for both 2015 and 2016, at 27 and 29 percent, respectively. Events grabbed the second position, at 19 percent during 2015 and a drop to 17 percent last year.
BoatChat is a must to boost boat sales
Boat dealers who consider increasing their website focus should be sure to add live chat and SMS text from BoatChat. Live chat is the online equivalent of a salesperson greeting a customer on the showroom floor. It transitions the dealership website from a passive brochure to an interactive experience that can increase sales off the site by as much as 50 percent or more. It’s basically the online version of your receptionist, except shoppers can communicate with a well-trained live operator 24 hours a day. That means you can actively generate more leads around the clock.
Not only are BoatChat operators extremely well trained to represent your dealership online, but all of the scripted, pre-written responses have been carefully tested to give customers a premium experience and generate accurate lead information.
Chat is ideal for boat service, parts & events
SMS Text and live chat on your boat website don’t just help sell more boats. It’s a great way to boost revenue and profit in your service and parts departments. And if your store is active hosting events, it can also boost participation.
Leads and inquiries from chat can be delivered to dealer staff in many ways. If your dealership uses a CRM system, they can be delivered there seamlessly just like other leads. We can also forward leads to staff members in each department via email or SMS text, with as few or as many receiving information as the dealership prefers.
Quit missing deals from your boat dealer website. The Boating Industry marketing study shows most dealers plan to rev up their website. Chat and text should be a key part of this strategy.
Call, chat or text us today to schedule a quick demo.