Live Chat Can Help Through Troubling Economic Times

Like many businesses, boat dealers need to find ways to maintain incoming revenue during these trying times. Whether it is a normal seasonal sales slump or a major economic downturn, live chat software and support services from BoatChat can help marine dealerships stay above water. Our live chat software and support services are a great way to engage with boat shoppers and convince them to do business with your dealership at a time when many people are just not buying.

BoatChat is here to help

How live chat can help:

Offer “More and Better” on Your Website

Savvy boat dealers already know the benefits of adding live chat to their websites. But when the budget gets tight, live chat is sometimes one of the features to get cut. That is a mistake, because live chat allows dealers to:

  • Cut costs.
    Chat conversations allow boat dealers to better engage with shoppers, and open additional lines of communication.
  • Face to Face Engagement.
    Even after the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, people are going to be a little skittish about going out and interacting with other people. Our video chat feature is a great way to handle that!
  • Increase leads and sales.
    With properly trained live chat operators like ours, your chats will lead to more appointments set, and more boats sold.
  • Keep shoppers’ attention on your dealership.
    Reduce your website’s bounce rate with live chat by engaging with customers before they leave your website to go to a competitor’s site.

Having a qualified managed chat provider deal with the shoppers on your website will enable your staff to spend more time with in-store customers and increase sales volume. Experience and expertise are key factors in choosing the right managed live chat solution.

Boost Your Other Digital Marketing Efforts

Boat buyers aren’t limiting themselves to one device or source of information. When sales at your dealership are not so good, you cannot afford to be limited to one source of lead generation.

Integrate live chat into your digital marketing strategy and have conversations with online shoppers across several different marketing platforms. Innovative chat providers like deliver chat solutions that work across multiple communication channels like SMS text messaging and Facebook Messenger.

BoatChat’s live chat software integrates very nicely with Facebook Messenger. Whether your marketing efforts on the social platform are organic or paid through Facebook Ads, you can integrate live chat into your social media strategy.

Consumer Confidence

Buying a boat is a major decision for most people. Buyers need to be assured that they are making the right purchase, and from the right dealership.

Each customer will have unique wants and needs when purchasing a boat. Use live chat to provide a dynamic, human-to-human interaction to meet the needs of your customers. Your customers will be confident they are making the correct choice.


Want to get more from your dealership’s website with live chat?
Contact us here, call 1-800-601-0682, or send us a message on Facebook for more info!


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