This is what a great lead generator looks like.
Here are five reasons a managed live chat solution from BoatChat.com can help your marine dealership acquire more qualified leads and sell more boats.
People Don’t Like “Scary” Forms
There are a lot of people who are just not comfortable filling out an online form. For some, this is because of security concerns, or maybe they just don’t want to risk giving their email address to a stranger who may fill their inbox with unwanted email spam. Requests for phone numbers can be even more intimidating to the growing number of people who seem to be unaware that their iPhone or Droid can actually be used as a telephone.
Live chat gives you the opportunity to put these people at ease and answer questions without asking for “sensitive” info up front. Our operators are smooth and will get the info you need without scaring off potential customers. -
Chat Can Get More Detailed Information
Website contact forms do work, but there is a limit to how much you can reasonably expect a person to tell you on a form. A lead generation form with too many fields will bring out the laziness in just about anyone.
Live chat allows you to ask for more information than you would get from a form, and maybe even some follow up questions for greater detail. -
Not Just More, but Better Leads
Qualify leads in real time, right at the beginning. Live chat can help determine the interest level of a website visitor, and qualify whether it is a lead worth pursuing. Our managed chat operators are trained to get the leads you need.
Online Chat Is Useful to Your Visitors
A well-managed chat system like BoatChat can answer your visitor’s questions in real-time. Being first and being available 24/7 in an on demand world can be the difference between a lead and a disappearing website user.
Chat Converts More Visitors to Leads
The whole point of having live chat on your website is to get more leads, right? Online chat is known to bring more conversions. BoatChat converts as many as 60% of those chatters into real, qualified sales leads.
BoatChat is committed to providing the best managed chat program and chat software serving the marine sales industry. Contact us today to learn how we can help your marine dealership generate more leads and sell more boats. If you don’t want to use that form, try out that chat widget down there at the bottom of your screen!