Spring boat season is ideal time to add BoatChat managed chat to increase spring boat sales
As boating increases with spring temperatures, boat dealers are anxious to boost and maximize website traffic to increase sales. The quickest way to add quality leads to your boat dealer or marina website is to add quality managed live chat from BoatChat. Well-trained managed-chat operators are on duty around the clock help boat shoppers with key information and collect quality lead information to generate an incremental boost in watercraft sales.
That lead information is then passed to the dealer in many possible ways. It can feed directly into CRM, forward to a salesperson or manager through email or SMS text message, or any combination of these. The research team at BoatChat has spent years testing every detail of its customer interface, chat server technology, custom-designed operator console, and customer responses. Even the icon design and images on the invitations have been meticulously pared down to ensure only the highest performance when it comes to generating the greatest number of chat conversations and chat leads.
…chat software monitoring code for BoatChat has been carefully engineered so there is no impact on website page load speeds
One of the most critical pieces of a successful live chat implementation is to maximize performance on mobile devices, since it accounts for more than half of all internet traffic. A pioneer in the industry, BoatChat leverages next-generation Microsoft SignalR server technology to prevent chat conversations from ending abruptly just like dropped cell phone calls. In addition, the monitoring code for BoatChat has been carefully engineered so there is no impact on website page load speeds. Some chat code can slow page loads enough to drop its organic search engine ranking.
Why boat shoppers use live chat
Live chat has an appeal to shoppers who have questions but prefer not to call or are shopping after hours. It gives them a chance to start the conversation with anonymity using a text-style interface that provides them a certain comfort level. An effective live chat operator can provide the information shoppers seek and earn the chance for the website visitor to provide their contact information.
If a boat dealer is looking for a way to increase boat sales from their website this spring or any time, managed chat or backup chat support from BoatChat should be the first step. Chat around the clock or call today to schedule a quick live chat demonstration.