Improve customer service, get better qualified sales leads, and save money with BoatChat

Live chat is a powerful way to open up online communication between your boat dealership and a customer in real time. A website visitor can interact with a customer service representative or salesperson through messages on the screen without leaving the page or the website. From a marketing perspective, online chat is full of opportunities.

Many consumers have become comfortable with online chat. Take advantage of that by engaging website visitors, making a great first impression and getting that lead before the potential customer even leaves your website.

Live Chat

Listen to Your Customers

To get more leads (and ultimately sell more boats), it helps to be a good listener. A live chat system on your website makes understanding customers’ needs much easier because you will have a record of what those customers’ concerns are. The more you know about your customers’ needs, the better you’ll be able to offer solutions through customer service, or by improving the information and resources available on your website. Smart digital marketers will tell you that being what the consumer wants is the key to success in most forms of online marketing.

Save Money

Boat dealers that add live chat to their websites see overall reduction in the cost of serving customers. A good chat system like can be much cheaper than other customer service options. The interaction time is shortened, too.

Qualify Leads in Real Time

Not every website visitor is going to become a customer, and not every chat session will result in a good lead. Chatting with website visitors is a fast and easy way to tell how likely they are to become customers.


Learn More…

Website visitors love chat when it’s done properly. Our highly trained chat operators are exactly what you need if you feel you lack the staff or the time to manage your own live chats. It produces happier customers and more sales leads for your boat dealership. To find out how to get more from your website through live chat – call us, chat with us, or contact us here to find out what BoatChat can do.

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