BoatChat icons correspond with website heatmapping
Extensive testing helped BoatChat become the leader in sales performance with website live chat. Part of that testing included the chat icons and their placement. Each icon added to the website added a measurable degree of performance. One icon, then two, and so on.
When we reached a point at which the numbers didn’t change, we locked it in. In fact, our icon placement coincides very closely with heat map results on dealer website pages. All this is a result of careful testing.
Even the proactive popup chat invite has been tested by BoatChat
That includes the proactive popup invitation. In fact, the invite typically generates nearly half of all chat conversations. But it doesn’t just keep popping up all ‘willy-nilly’. The location, delay, and frequency with which the proactive is shown to the shopper is all tied to science.

This Nielson Norman Group graphic shows that chat icons are located where web page viewers direct their attention
Your boat sales website is the equivalent of a virtual showroom. Just like you don’t bombard a shopper with attention the moment they walk through your door, the delay used on the proactive chat invite has been carefully tested for both efficiency and customer satisfaction. We also don’t keep popping it up over and over again. Not only will that annoy shoppers, but it creates a substantial risk of cannibalizing form leads the visit might already generate.
In fact, one reasons dealers and website providers like BoatChat is that our design and processes don’t interfere with existing lead performance. Another benefit to BoatChat icons is many are available in millions of colors and can be designed to complement any website color scheme.
A decade of scientific testing and millions of chat conversations have contributed to the success of BoatChat to generate as much as 50 percent more leads on boat dealer websites.
Call, chat, or text us today to schedule a quick demo.